Tuesday, February 11, 2014


This is going to be a quick one and it's mostly for the ladies. So check it out just a quick thought:  When was the last time you looked in the mirror and were happy with what you saw? Even if you're wanting to lose a few pounds, or you're not thrilled about the gray hairs that are suddenly creeping up, and oh shit, are those crows feet? Can you look past those things and still think to yourself "I ain't mad at that" Self esteem....one of  our most precious and endangered resources. Love yourself first, everything else will fall into place. Easier said than done, yes?
There are a few things that you will need to change in order to feel beautiful. First, look at yourself in the mirror.... Naked. Yep,  do it. Stop avoiding it. I did it.  For way too long,  I let society, my own fucked up psyche,  and a string of unworthy assholes tell me that I was fat, ugly, and not good enough. It's not easy to  come back from that. But it is completely doable. So stand there. Take a good look.  There will be a point when your view is obscured by the tears welling up and streaming down your face.
If you really want this its entirely possible. It will hurt, but pain tells us that we are still alive, do it.
Look at every dimple, every stretch mark, every scar. Look at it as a reminder. To us and everyone else, that we have lived this life,  and I that we are not ashamed now , nor shall we ever be. Now here comes the important part. And probably the most difficult. Look yourself straight in the eye and say to yourself, "I love you. And I will never stop loving you no matter what comes, good or bad.  I love you and I have your back, always"

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